6 Tips for Working From Home
I know when our office had us start working from home on March 16th due to the Coronavirus I didn’t plan to still be in that same situation almost five months later. Working in the NBA has definitely presented its challenges with curious season ticket members and all of the unknowns. I’ve tried to take this time to work on myself physically and mentally. Some people may love working from home and may not think twice about it but others thrive on social interaction and aren’t getting much of that right now. I know I miss my routine and my coworkers but I’ve put some tips below that I’ve tired these past few months to stay busy and healthy!
Try sticking to regular hours.
For me, this one has been the hardest. With games not being played at our home arena, I can’t do a whole lot. I’ve tried to find new ways to interact and keep in touch with my season ticket members to maintain those relationships.
Create a morning routine.
Weather it’s making the bed, taking your dog for a walk or having a cup of coffee and reading a book, find something that works for you and do it every. single. day. For me, it’s having breakfast and checking my emails. Try to start working at the same time every morning to keep a routine. Don’t expect it to happen overnight, creating your new routine will take time.
Make sure to take breaks throughout the day.
Take that hour lunch break, take a short walk around the neighborhood – anything to break up your day a little bit! Your body needs to move – don’t sit at your desk all day!
Socialize with your colleagues.
Our team meets virtually every Monday morning, our department meets virtually every Tuesday morning and on Fridays our team does a FaceTime happy hour to just catch up! we’ve gotten to know each other better and I’ve learned not to take our office, my desk and their company for granted!
Create a specific space to work from.
Try to avoid your bed or the couch as your work space. Luckily we have a home office in our house with a desk that I’ve been working from and trying to do all my video calls from. Keep your couch lounging to a minimum when it pertains to your work!
I’ll be the first to admit I can struggle with this one. The unknown triggers my anxiety and our world is FULL of unknowns right now. When will we go back to the office? Will the NBA have fans during the 20-21 season? When will we be able to travel again? It can really take a toll on you mentally if you only focus on the negative. Take this time to find the silver lining – find a new hobby, explore your city (safely) or learn a new skill that could help your career!
Some of you may be back in the office, some of you may be working from home and some of you may have been furloughed. Just remember that we are all in this together so be there for your teammates and we’ll get through this!
XO, Morgan